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Hi, I'm Steffie!

My name is Steffie Davis, and I love adventures-- sometimes. I also love curling up on my balcony with a book and doing nothing else for a whole day. Finding my balance as an introverted-extrovert is still a work in progress, but I know a couple of things:


  • I love my apartment. A lot. Like maybe too obsessed with it.

  • Travel makes me happy! Exploring a new city and feeling the energy of someplace that isn't home is such a rush!

  • Toronto is home. Probably forever, but definitely for now. I love sharing my favourite parts about life in the city.

  • There is nothing better than great service, great food, and great cocktails in a cute spot. Anytime I find a new place that checks all my boxes, I won't shut up about it for a whileeee.

  • I've been mostly single for a few years now, and even though I date occasionally, I love celebrating the many positives about single life.



This blog and my social media channels are my digital scrapbooks, windows into my life. While in lockdown, I found myself watching my Instagram highlights to remind myself of what life looked like before the pandemic. It cemented for me how important pictures and videos are to me, tangible memories that take me instantly back to my favourite moments. I'm delighted to have you here along with me! Be sure to follow on TikTok and Instagram, as I usually share there first.

  • TikTok
  • Instagram

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© 2024 by Steffie Davis. 

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