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A fantastic fantasy novel ate up a lot of my September reading time! Here's everything I read this month.

House of Sky and Breath by Sarah J. Maas

I made the mistake of reading this one without rereading Crescent City book #1 first, which I wouldn’t recommend because this book doesn’t do any hand holding or recapping so I was very confused for a good portion of the first half, remembering who everyone was and all the many backstories. Once I settled in though, this was great. The world building is excellent, the action is compelling, and I really love so many of the characters. Beyond Bryce and Hunt, I’m so invested in Tharion, Ithan, and the others, I can’t wait for the next book. Not to mention that twist in the last chapter?! Wowwwww.

The Unmatchmakers by Jackie Lau

There is a really novelty for me in reading books set in and around Toronto, and the many familiar Canadian-isms in this one, including LCBO runs and cottage country, were really fun! There is even a box of Timbits on the cover. I’ve read Jackie Lau before and love her portrayal of complicated family dynamics. In this one, Leora’s relationship with her single mother is the heart of the book, along with the friendships between her mother and her mother’s best friends. The love story between Leora and Neil was cute and a little spicy and it was just overall a fluffy, fun, soul-warming read.

Small Town, Big Magic by Hazel Beck

When Freya gets dumped in a broom closet the day before her wedding, her besties devise a plan to help her survive the other 7(!) weddings she has to attend that summer. With each task, she learns a little more about herself, repairs her relationships with her family and friends, and steps out of her comfort zone. Along the way, she finds Jaime and opens herself to love again. It's all very cute, but I found Freya a bit dull and whiney-- I would have been more interested in a book about her besties, Leo and Ruby, they were so much more entertaining and funny!

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